
Arm lift procedure
It's a typical sign of ageing: as you get older, the skin on your upper arms changes: it becomes weaker. Not only the skin of your arms becomes thinner but also because the muscles relax. Also, losing weight causes an excess of skin on the underside of the upper arms.

Consider arm lift surgery if you find it really disturbing or if your arms bothers you. During this arm lift procedure, the excess skin is removed. At Bproud Esthetics, we provide beautiful upper arms again.

Via a video call from our office, the plastic surgeon in Turkey explains how the operation for the arm lift is applied. For all the questions you have, you can ask the surgeon yourself.

On request, we are happy to list the prices of this cosmetic treatment in Turkey, the stay, and the travel from the Netherlands.


Are you considering an arm lift surgery? We are happy to assist you by providing helpful information, and on request, we will list the prices of this cosmetic treatment in Turkey, our care for you, your luxury stay and your journey to Turkey.


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