Sometimes the ears can protrude slightly or sharply, leaving patients feeling insecure or unhappy about their appearance and desiring an ear correction.

Ear correction

During an ear correction, the surgeon makes a small incision at the back of the ear. A fold is made in the cartilage, so the ear comes closer to the head.

Depending on the shape and position of the ear, the surgeon will choose the correct technique fitting for your physique. During the first video call, the surgeon in Turkey will explain which approach is best for you.

What you think of your own ears is personal. So, if you're not happy with your ears, whether it's about the shape, size, or position, discuss it with us and we'll inform you about what results are achievable for you. 

On request, we are happy to list the prices of this cosmetic treatment in Turkey, the stay, and the travel from the Netherlands.

treatment ear correction for men – Bproud Esthetics


Are you considering an ear correction? We are happy to assist you by providing helpful information, and on request, we will list the prices of this cosmetic treatment in Turkey, our care for you, your luxury stay and your journey to Turkey.


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